MTV – Nếu Chỉ Sống Một Ngày

I never gave a fuck about the MTV boy band until its latest release Nếu Chỉ Sống Một Ngày. Its sixth album struck a cord that is very closed to my heart. As the title track suggested, what if you have one day to live? How would you live it? What do you do when you’re racing against time? Here’s the line that sums up one’s life: “Thời gian thôi đưa chớp mắt đã hết một đời.” Yes, life is over in just a blink of an eye.

“Nhắm Mắt” is another track that cuts straight to the core: “Nhắm mắt, một ngày mệt nhoài trôi qua… Cố thức giấc đi thôi nhận ra hôm nay tôi đây không là ngày hôm qua nữa.” Imagine waking up only to realize that you’re no longer the same as who you were yesterday. “Mặt Trời Màu Đen” is a tear-jerking dedication to those who could never see the sunlight and “Dioxin,” featuring 5 Dòng Kẻ, is an emotional tribute to the victims of Orange Agent.

The album opens with “Trở Về” to indicate the return of MTV. The boys disbanded in 2007 and now they are united as the men. Nếu Chỉ Sống Một Ngày marks a tremendous growth from being a banal pop-rock boy band to a matured, lyrical rock group.